Sunday, December 10, 2006

From The Big House to the White House

Even Louisiana State penitentiary cant keep Senator Sam Brownback from getting to know the American people and spreading the "news". Browback spent Friday evening and all day Saturday at the penitentiary;From the drug cartel to the serial rapist Brownback met them all. Like Brownback said "There aren't probably a lot of votes for me here," he said. "There can be a lot of prayers, though." Indeed it is true. Brownback was there to press his message that faith can work to improve even the lives of hardened criminals. Brownback showed that he cares more about the people than the vote. He spent Friday evening at a prayer service and then when it was time to sleep he slept in a modest 7 by 10 foot cell just feet from convicts who some would say are hopeless but in Brownbacks eyes need just that ...Hope. "I believe in a separation of church and state, but I do not believe in a removal of faith from the public square," he told the prisoners. "Our motto of our land is, 'In God We Trust."' His message to the prisoners was just that, to trust in God. "This prison used to be one of the bloodiest in the country," said Deloch, a Baptist minister at the penitentiary. "It's still bloody because it's covered with the blood of Jesus Christ, and this blood is saving people's lives." Like Brownback once said talking about our country
"If we ever lose our goodness, we will surely lose our greatness." Even good can come from terrible places you just have to have people like Brownback to plant the seeds.


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